• 1. Our Pledge to Our Users

    Your data's security and confidentiality matter to us. Rest assured that Option2Trade prioritizes the safeguarding of your data, and we've established protocols to ensure its integrity and privacy.

  • 2. Gathering Your Details

    By partnering with Option2Trade, we'll need specific details from you. This might come directly from you or entities such as credit agencies, banks, verification services, and public directories. Data may encompass personal information, contact details, and financial specifics. We also monitor your interactions with our website to improve our service.

  • 3. How We Utilize Your Data

    We handle your details in line with prevailing data protection laws to serve our mutual agreement better. Apart from using it to provide and improve our service to you, it aids in legal and administrative functions, customer support enhancements, and marketing, among others. Be aware that your data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area in certain contexts.

  • 4. Reaching Out to You

    For service provision, account management, and our ongoing partnership, we might connect with you via various channels. If agreed, our group entities might occasionally reach out for marketing, offering products, or conducting surveys.

  • 5. Sharing Your Details

    Our agreement grants us the right to share your data under specific circumstances, such as legal and regulatory demands, fraud investigations, and more. This might involve sharing with institutions for credit checks, our professional consultants, service providers, and others as detailed in our agreement.

  • 6. Protective Actions

    We store your data on secure servers and restrict access to only essential personnel. With protocols in place to manage and safeguard your data, we ensure its retention only as required by regulations or our mutual agreement.

  • 7. Modifying Your Details

    You can notify Option2Trade about data changes or request data deletion. Please email us at [email protected]. However, there might be instances where we must retain certain details due to legal or operational reasons.

  • 8. Access Rights

    You have the right to request a copy of the data we hold about you under relevant data protection laws. Reach out to us with your request, and we'll assist you accordingly.

  • 9. Enquiries

    For any questions, concerns, or clarifications about this policy, or if you have inquiries about our website's security measures, feel free to email us at[email protected]

  • 10. Broad User Information

    Queries about any third-party references in this policy can be directed to[email protected]

  • 11. Modifications to This Policy

    This policy can be updated periodically. We advise you to revisit this section occasionally to stay informed.